Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Another Day, Another Medical Perspective

I am fortunate to still live in an area where I can benefit from one of the top medical research institutes in the world - my alma mater, Stanford.

I've interacted with 2 doctors in particular across my journey - Dr. Sonn and Dr. Gill.

Dr. Gill performed my initial "roto rooter" procedure to clear a path within my enlarged prostate to get the plumbing working again. Dr. Sonn performed the biopsy when I returned later, but Dr. Gill conveyed the results after that process, as well as after the bone scan.

I asked to talk to Dr. Sonn to hear a different voice; to see if the diagnoses lined up, or if there were differences in the way that they read the data. In sum, their perspectives were very similar, perhaps reflecting the fact that they are both cancer experts from the same hospital. Perhaps.

Asking Dr. Sonn the first question of radiation versus surgery - Dr. Sonn appeared more tuned into my history, and because of it, was probably stronger in recommending surgery... if he were in my shoes.

However, the question of the bone scan make that question of secondary importance. I asked why a clear course of treatment was not suggested based upon what they saw, he indicated that it was not a clear case and advised an additional test be done. OK, I'll buy that.

He also provided some feedback on the hormone treatment that made that route a little clearer for me - it is a last resort option. It is not a path to eliminate the cancer, simply to slow or stop its spread. That is hard to process. That sounds terminal to me. That sounds like I need to confront some pretty bad outcomes - which sucks for everyone, but also makes people angry in the process. This is something I will have until August 3rd to think about. And pray about. And worry about how to discuss this with my family.

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